
Maura’s Voice
On Nov. 2, 2018, a man walked into a yoga studio and opened fire, injuring five and killing two.
One of the women he killed was Maura Binkley. Her father, Jeff, wanted to take action. He worked with Moore to develop and launch a nonprofit to impact Florida legislators, prospective donors and the general public. Moore developed a name — Maura’s Voice — and visual identity, then created legislative tools such as hand-delivered invitations, lapel pins and one-pagers. Nearly a dozen media outlets, nine policymakers and 200 participants and influencers attended the launch.
Media coverage included two major daily newspapers and 61 earned media placements, with an estimated 1.3 million impressions.
Maura’s Voice and its mission “to fund research at the intersection of violence and hate” will always remain close to our hearts. Learn more at